Wednesday 27 June 2012

Thanks to my mean year 7 teacher

Reading. I like it but i just dont get the time to do it. I have not always liked it but when I was in year 7 my teacher made me read and that is how I got into it.

Well I say got back into it but when I was younger My mum always read to me in the evening and as I started to learn to read I would read to my mum, but when I started to get older I stopped reading. When I was in year 7 my teacher made us read and keep a diary of it and if we did not read much or did not write it in the diary she would give us detention and I did not what a detention so I started to read and have done ever since. I don't read as much as I used to but she still has got me into a habit of doing it.

Currently I have reading 'Between a rock and a hard place' (127 Hours)

(She was a nice teacher)

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