Friday 29 June 2012

Front Cover

Hi just me god again. I’m still reading ‘Between a rock and a hard place’ well I am only at the beginning so i will still be on it for a long time as there are 354 and I am on 27. If you have seen this before then you will know that he meets up with the girls on his trail and goes down the cave. On the front cover has the man that it happened to (for those of you that have not seen the film or the book he gets stuck in a cave with his arm stuck behind a rock for 127 hours with 330 ml of water and has to cut his own arm off it get free) on the front sitting on a rock with his foot against another rock (that is why it’s called between a rock and a hard place) holding his plastic arm.

This is a good book and i would highly recommend it (but if you don’t like seeing people with no arms DONT LOOK AT THE PICTURE)

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Thanks to my mean year 7 teacher

Reading. I like it but i just dont get the time to do it. I have not always liked it but when I was in year 7 my teacher made me read and that is how I got into it.

Well I say got back into it but when I was younger My mum always read to me in the evening and as I started to learn to read I would read to my mum, but when I started to get older I stopped reading. When I was in year 7 my teacher made us read and keep a diary of it and if we did not read much or did not write it in the diary she would give us detention and I did not what a detention so I started to read and have done ever since. I don't read as much as I used to but she still has got me into a habit of doing it.

Currently I have reading 'Between a rock and a hard place' (127 Hours)

(She was a nice teacher)